Remove linux files with special characters name

Remove linux files with special characters name

You may come across file names with special characters such as:

  • ;
  • &
  • $
  • ?
  • *
  • White spaces, backslashes and more.

Sample File List

Here is a sample list of file names:


The Problem And Solution

Your default bash shell considers many of these special characters (also known as meta-characters) as commands. If you try to delete or move/copy such files you may end up with errors. In this example, I am trying to delete a file named ‘>file’:

$ rm >file

Sample outputs:

rm: missing operand
Try `rm --help' for more information.

The rm command failed to delete the file due to strange character in filename.

Tip #1: Put filenames in quotes

The following command is required to copy or delete files with spaces in their name, for example:

$ cp "my resume.doc" /secure/location/
$ rm "my resume.doc"

The quotes also prevent the many special characters interpreted by your shell, for example:

$ rm -v ">file"
removed `>file'

The double quotes preserve the value of all characters enclosed, except for the dollar sign, the backticks and the backslash. You can also try single quotes as follows:

$ rm -v 'a long file   name  here'
$ cp 'my mp3 file.mp3' /backup/disk/

Tip #2: Try a backslash

You can always insert a backslash () before the special character in your filename:

$ cp "my resume.doc" /secure/location/
$ rm "*file"

Tip #3: Try a ./ at the beginning of the filename

The syntax is as follows to delete a file called ‘-file’:

$ rm -v ./-file
removed `./-file'

The ./ at the beginning of the filename forces rm not to interpret – as option to the rm command.

Tip #4: Try a — at the beginning of the filename

A — signals the end of options and disables further option processing by shell. Any arguments after the — are treated as filenames and arguments. An argument of – is equivalent to –. The syntax is:

$ rm -v -- -file
$ rm -v -- --file
$ rm -v -- "@#$%^&file"
$ rmdir -v -- "--dirnameHere"

Tip #5: Remove file by an inode number

The -i option to ls displays the index number (inode) of each file:

ls -li

Use find command as follows to delete the file if the file has inode number 4063242:

$ find . -inum 4063242 -delete


$ find . -inum 4063242 -exec rm -i {} ;

Sample session:


For more information and options about the find, rm, and bash command featured in this tip, type the following command at the Linux prompt, to read man pages:

$ man find
$ man rm
$ man bash


Enable vim cut paste Debian 9


Enable vim cut paste Debian 9 with preferable global solution for all users, which loads the default options and then adds or overwrites the defaults with the personal settings.

Luckily there is an option for that in Debian: The /etc/vim/vimrc.local will be loaded after the /etc/vim/vimrc. So you can create this file and load defaults, preventing them from being loaded again (at the end) and then add your personal options:

Please create the following file: /etc/vim/vimrc.local and paste the code

#nano /etc/vim/vimrc.local
" This file loads the default vim options at the beginning and prevents
" that they are being loaded again later. All other options that will be set,
" are added, or overwrite the default settings. Add as many options as you
" whish at the end of this file.

" Load the defaults
source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim

" Prevent the defaults from being loaded again later, if the user doesn't
" have a local vimrc (~/.vimrc)
let skip_defaults_vim = 1
" Set more options (overwrites settings from /usr/share/vim/vim80/defaults.vim)
" Add as many options as you whish

" Set the mouse mode to 'r'
if has('mouse')
set mouse=r

" Toggle paste/nopaste automatically when copy/paste with right click in insert mode:
let &t_SI .= "\<Esc>[?2004h"
let &t_EI .= "\<Esc>[?2004l"

inoremap <special> <expr> <Esc>[200~ XTermPasteBegin()

function! XTermPasteBegin()
set pastetoggle=<Esc>[201~
set paste
return ""
